Unity Through Community

Heidi Moore • studio


Credit to Bron Hansboro, CeCe Todd & Tammy Fleuch for the creation of the above logo.

I recently tuned in to listen to Terrica & Friends Town Hall: Healing Wounds & Bridging Gaps: An Honest Conversation about Race & Allyship in the Wedding Industry. Yes, I’m in the wedding industry, and that’s how I was made aware of this conversation taking place, but I didn’t go into it with my wedding industry hat on. I went into it to learn as an individual and to gain perspective and insight from others on a more personal level. (Not to mention, I feel like a majority of the conversation that happened needs to be heard by all, no matter your industry, to understand the learnings and unlearnings that need to happen among white people for us to dismantle systemic racism.)

Because I’m a one-woman show at idieh design, I am the face of the brand. Therefore, I believe that being anti-racist starts on a personal level for idieh design. This is what feels genuine and right for me, because I know it will then naturally permeate into my business. So, for me, I’m starting with the work within myself. To educate myself, to read more books, to have hard conversations within my family & circle of friends, and to challenge myself on how to make impactful changes that can happen today, tomorrow and the years to come. Among that, it means expanding my circle of friends, influencers, inspiration, vendors and beyond to ACTIVELY expand the diversity in my own community.

These are the action steps I’m committed to taking:
  • Continue to diversify my following, my community & my clientele
  • Consistently learn & unlearn what it means to be anti-racist
  • Donate a portion of my profits to an organization or initiative on an on-going basis
  • Support, promote and purchase from creatives of all backgrounds
  • Have conversations about racism & anti-racism within my home and with my family and friends

I’ve always been one who longs for deeper connections versus surface acquaintances so I whole-heartedly look forward to intentionally connecting with new friends and colleagues (both personally and professionally) in hopes of discovering meaningful and life-changing relationships and friendships that will transform the years to come.

I’ll leave you with a few potent quotes that spoke to my heart during the town hall mentioned above:

Left to Right: Terrica, Eliana Baucicualt, Jamie Lee Quickert

The “unity through community” logo was created by Terrica & friends to inspire solidarity in the wedding industry, but for me, I use it in hopes it will inspire “unity through community” for all. To be very clear, idieh design is a safe place for all. All are welcomed and all have a place at idieh design.